The Central Terminal Restoration Corp., Western New York Ghost Hunters and the Iron Island Preservation Society will hold a “Halloween Ghost Hunt” from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the Central Terminal, 495 Paderewski Drive, and the Iron Island Museum, 998 Lovejoy St. The ghost hunt will feature psychic Chip Coffey, who has been featured on the A&E cable TV show “Paranormal State.” He also has been featured on the Biography Channel’s “Psychic Kids.” Also scheduled to appear are paranormal investigator Brian Harnois of the Sci-Fi Channel’s “Ghost Hunters” and “Ghost Hunters International” and Jonathan Watts from United Skeptics and Believers. Also featured are lectures and workshops by the Rev. Tim Shaw and Michelle Hall from the CBS Radio program “Psychics Next Door.”
Michelle Hall was the host and producer of the show.
In 2009 Michelle Hall had a small part in the movie House of Horrors where she played the role as a psychic.
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